Shoulder support for movement limitation
Omomed is a shoulder joint aid. The product is intended solely for use as an orthotic shoulder adjustment and only on intact skin.
Product Advantages
The sash can be worn and stripped off without the help of a third party. The various colors and markings of the straps (front and back) make it easy to put on.
Clima Comfort Active Respiratory material conducts moisture quickly and completely from the skin surface to the outside, providing a pleasant sensation during use. Even after washing, the band does not lose elasticity.
Omarthrosis (shoulder arthrosis): Shoulder joint cartilage may wear out. In this case, there is talk of omarthrosis; can be treated by operative or conservative method.
After proximal fractures of the humeral head, glenoid cavity and scapula. Generally, the humerus, glenoid cavity, and scapula fracture following a fall. However, it is not always necessary to operate and the arm or shoulder can be immobilized with a shoulder strap.
After an anterior shoulder dislocation. The shoulder joint is a so-called spherical joint and one of the most movable in the entire body. However, they often leave the place, which is called dislocation. In these cases, it is not necessary to operate, but the shoulder must be immobilized with a special band (Omomed).
Omomed is an auxiliary of the shoulder joint The product serves exclusively to be used as the orthotic adjustment of the shoulder and only on intact skin.
Product advantages
The strip can be dressed and stripped without the help of a third party The different strip colors and markings (front and back) make placement easier.
Climate Comfort active breathing material quickly and completely dampens the surface of the skin to the outside, providing a pleasant sensation during use. Even after washing, the strip does not lose its elasticity.
Omartrose (arthrosis of the shoulder): The cartilage of the shoulder joint can suffer wear. In this case, one speaks of omarthrosis; can be treated by operative or conservative method.
After proximal fractures of the humeral head, the glenoid cavity and the scapula. Generally, the humerus, glenoid cavity, and scapula fracture following a fall. However, it is not always necessary to operate, and the arm or shoulder may be immobilized with a shoulder strap.
After a previous shoulder dislocation. The shoulder joint is a so-called spherical joint and one of the most movable of the entire body. However, it is common to leave the place, which is called dislocation. In these cases, it is not necessary to operate, but the shoulder has to be immobilized with a special strip (Omomed).