Faixa de 3 Bandas
O fecho dianteiro da ortótese é feito através de um velcro macho que se aperta sobre outro fêmea de grandes dimensões o que confere ao dispositivo um amplo grau de regulação. O resultado final é a adaptação à forma cónica do tronco do utilizador o que lhe confere um conforto notável.
Fechos de Velcro®. Cinta sacrolombar constituída na base de 3 elásticos continuos com 8 cm de largura.
Lumbago, lombociática, reabilitação, fragilidade muscular, processos degenerativos.
The front closure of the orthosis is made by a male velcro that is tightened on another large female which gives the device a large degree of regulation. The end result is the adaptation to the conical shape of the user's trunk which gives him remarkable comfort.
Velcro® fasteners. Sacral nipple band made up of 3 continuous elastics with 8 cm width.
Lumbago, lombociática, rehabilitation, muscular fragility, degenerative processes.
Fechos de Velcro®. Cinta sacrolombar constituída na base de 3 elásticos continuos com 8 cm de largura.
Lumbago, lombociática, reabilitação, fragilidade muscular, processos degenerativos.
The front closure of the orthosis is made by a male velcro that is tightened on another large female which gives the device a large degree of regulation. The end result is the adaptation to the conical shape of the user's trunk which gives him remarkable comfort.
Velcro® fasteners. Sacral nipple band made up of 3 continuous elastics with 8 cm width.
Lumbago, lombociática, rehabilitation, muscular fragility, degenerative processes.
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